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July 08, 2008


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Very exciting stuff.
Looking forward to reading this book.
Pete has taught us folks at Intuit a lot. He is the guru of 'listening to the customer (and the prospect).


Thanks, Scott. You too have been a great resource and sounding board throughout. Let's continue the conversation!

Dailey Pike

Hello Pete,

First, great looking family. Second I'm following you on Twitter.
Third, I just bought your book.

I'm a marketing consultant and recently created a social network for Cedarlane Natural Foods to entertain and engage their customers.


I also handle their replies to customer feedback and to me, your book is "preaching to the choir."

From my experience, the six drivers of brand credibility is right on the money. Cedarlane, along with Whole Foods and Stonyfield Farm are companies that "get it."

After I read the book (I'll get it Monday via Amazon) I know I'll have more praise.


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