June 21, 2008 in Learning to Parent | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
April 06, 2008 in Dos Bebes Milestones | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
March 17, 2008 in Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
March 08, 2008 in Liam's Notebook | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
February 28, 2008 in Nacimiento (Birth), Tres Bebes | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Who says CGM is just a digital or "Web 2.0" thing? In reality, we're creating content all the time, and often at a very young age! Last Monday, my wife Erika and I took Dos Bebes to the National Underground Railroad Freedom to commemorate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. On the third floor of this spectacular center (full disclosure: I'm a proud web advisor and volunteer to the center) is a special area for kids to craft their own art work and media messages around freedom-centered themes, and then post them to a "Freedom Wall." The kids were fully consumed in the exercise, and the part they seemed to relish the most was posting the content to the wall. They too seemed to want to leave their mark. The power of expression. Whether wall, message board, blog, or soapbox, the desire to create, express, and speak out is a constant! More photos of our great trip to the Freedom Center here on Facebook:
January 26, 2008 in Dos Bebes Milestones | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
December 31, 2007 in Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
This has been a eventful and "never a dull moment" year from Dos Bebes, and they enter 2008 with a younger sibling on the way sometime in late February. And so we soon go from Dos Bebes to Tres Bebes. Both Liam and Leila are developing their own unique identities and personalities, although they are quite loving and compassionate with one another. Liam is a bit mellower and softer, while Leila -- who we dub "determination girl" -- has a, how shall we say, more "determined" way about her. That's not to suggest Liam can't throw his voice around, or stir up trouble. Oh yes he can. But they are both an absolute joy, and it's been a blast watching them grow. They have also become mini-celebrities in the local neighborhood, with countless non-related "aunts and uncles" who have been won over by their charm and smiles. And speaking of the neighborhood, Dos Bebes are slowly making their way in the world of sports, having spent a season carefully observing the 3-6 year old kids in the newly established Mt. Adams Soccer League. If the way they kick and throw things around our living room (now a converted "toy palace") we suspect they will make D avid Beckham a tad jealous.
Big Events in the Lives of Dos Bebes: This has also been a year of loss for Dos Bebes. Not long after the loss of their Great Grandmother Bolser, otherwise known as "Momo," Grandpa Bill Blackshaw (Pete's father) passed away in November after a struggle with congestive heart failure and recovering from late Spring surgery for colon cancer. As with the death of Erika father, Grandpa Brown, this was an almost unspeakable loss, but we are heartened by the overflowing levels of love and condolence that came from all corners. (There are over a hundred testimonials about Grandpa Blackshaw on the website set up in the days following his death.) Although travel issues prevented Dos Bebes from attending the memorial service, they were able to spend important quality time with Grandpa Blackshaw before he entered surgery for colon cancer. Few things brought dad greater joy in his final months and days than hearing the ever enthusiastic voices, laughing -- even cries - of Dob Bebes. I encourage you to spend time on the WilliamBlackshaw.com website, and especially to read the moving eulogy from his best friend, Dr. James Knowles.
Thanksgiving with the Browns: Only a few weeks past Grandpa Blackshaw's funeral, mom, dad and Dos Bebes embarked upon a five hour drive to Columbia, South Carolina, to visit Uncle Doyle and Aunt Kara, and cousins Lucia and Calvin for Thanksgiving. Grandma Beverly Brown (and her superb cooking) was also there, and we were all treated to a special visit by Aunt Annie Blackshaw and Uncle Tim McKee (and cousin Rio) who traveling down from North Carolina (where Tim is editor of the literary magazine The Sun.) HEre's a great photo of all the kids hanging out together.
December 23, 2007 in Dos Bebes Milestones, Friends, Family & Relatives, Leila's Notebook, Liam's Notebook, Say Cheese! (Photos), The Poop Scoop | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Today is the 2-year birthday of Dos Bebes (Liam & Leila). Words cannot even begin to describe what joy they have brought to our lives, and we have been amazed at their growth and development. We've also just had a ton of fun with both of them. Just in case you are wondering, at 2-years they are both on the road to talking. Leila's a bit more verbal than Liam, but then again, Liam's sounds as though he know exactly what he's saying. They are climbing up steps, putting on their own shoes, exploring every corner of the house, and doing plenty of things that have us glued to their every move. But overall, again, wonderful fun. If you are a friend or relative reading this, please leave a note of congratulations to them and we'll put them in their scrap book. Here are a few other fun photos.
September 06, 2007 in Dos Bebes Milestones | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
August 26, 2007 in New Product Insights | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Heck of a trip to the West Coast to visit Grandpa Blackshaw, who had surgery. Along the way we stopped at Laguna Beach.
Here's a classic of father, son, grandson. Liam, by the way, is short for William, the name of Grandpa Blackshaw.
The kids were relatively well behaved when we had dinner at the new retirement home of my parents in Pasadena.
And of course both Grandma and Grandpa were delighted to have special visitors.
June 06, 2007 in Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This weekend, Dos Bebes, and the entire Dos Bebes extended family, lost someone incredibly special in their lives: their great grandmother, "Momo" Bolser. (Erika's grandmother, Beverly Brown's mother). She passed away peacefully yesterday in the Washington DC area.
Momo lived an incredibly rich life of 92 years, and she leaves behind a trail of warmth, love, generosity, and many many happy memories. She was a great storyteller, and she had a rich archive of travels (e.g living in Iran), journeys, and experiences to share with all. Dos bebes had the opportunity to spend precious, valued time with Momo before she passed, especially last summer in the Adirondack mountains. How many kids are so lucky to say they were able to spend time with a wonderful great grandmother? Not enough! Rest in peace, Momo! Your spirit lives with all of us!
April 22, 2007 in Friends, Family & Relatives | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
To the Passengers to Delta Flight 5468:
As the couple that inspired PlanetFeedback.com, we feel the urge to share our own feedback moment to the passengers of yesterday's Delta Flight 5468 from Newark to Cincinnati. From exactly 5:30 PM (Boarding time) to 8:00 PM (escaping time).
First off, we had no idea! Call us naive, perhaps, but had we known what would transpire on that flight we would rather have pushed the twin baby stroller the full distance to Cincinnati.
We knew history was being made when the flight attendant noted, at the very end, while folks where rushing off the plane, that in her years working with the airlines that she had not quite experienced quite a scene.
Everyone, she said, just assumed he would eventually wear himself out and just fall asleep. I wasn't quite there when she delivered the fated quote, but Erika heard it loud and clear.
"This is the worst I've ever seen." Fortunately, she said it professionally, and with a smile.
And so again, to the incredibly patient and understanding and tolerant passengers of Delta Flight 5468, we sincerely apologize for our kids, especially Liam, screaming throughout the full distance of the fight. We accept full responsibility, and we're just horrified by the noise level. We can only be thankful that the guy directly in front of us was wired to the movie Braveheart on his portable DVD player, and that the woman behind us was an understanding grandmother.
But to the others, we can't even begin to imagine what you went through. We apologize, and someday Liam and Leila will make it up to you. I'm just not sure how, but I know good Kharma will catch up on this one. It must!
Erika and Pete
Parents of Dos Bebes
March 27, 2007 in Learning to Parent | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
March 11, 2007 in Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This was perhaps one of the craziest week's ever with Dos Bebes. Fun, but crazy. First off, Erika, who recently returned to work, had a business trip for four days in New York. No big deal, but two days before she left our part-time Nanny had a death in the family. So it was just me with Dos Bebes...all week...at least until this morning (Saturday) when some extra help arrived. It's kind of amazing how many pieces need to come together when taking care of the kids. It works like this:
- Wake them up
- Take off the pajamas
- Change the Diaper
- Put on clothes (four pieces)
- Take each down the stairs
- Put in high chair for quick b-fast
- Put on shoes
- Pack Lunch for Child Care
- Put each kid in the car, one at a time
- Drive to Childcare
- Take each kid out, put in stroller
- Stroll into Childcare Center
- Sign in, drop off food, fill out report for each kid
- kiss goodbye, get back in car, drive to work
Oh, and that's just the morning. It's actually been quite an enjoyable experience. The kids are a barrel of fun, and they are growing every day. Both are developing unique personalities, and it just amazes me to see them change almost every day.
February 24, 2007 in ProudPadre | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
January 25, 2007 in Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A nice blog review of our dear friend Tara Schlessinger's handmade infant-toddler apparel business. I encourage everything in the Dos Bebes network to check this fine, unsurpassed, and one-of-a-kind baby apparel. Here's the link.
January 18, 2007 in New Product Insights, Parental Recos | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
December 10, 2006 in BabycareTV (Video) | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
November 26, 2006 in Proud Padre Corner | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
October 31, 2006 in Dos Bebes Milestones | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
September 16, 2006 in Mom's Corner, Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
OK, OK...I know this is probably a bit odd, but since the father of Dos Bebes also happens to have a real job that encompasses, among many things, blog monitoring, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that the Dos Bebes site might occasionally be used as a "reason to believe" around the power of blogging. This is from a keynote speech the Dad (me...Pete) delivered in Rotterdam yesterday on the growth and power of "consumer generated media"...of which blogs (like www.dosbebes.com) are a big part. Kids...forgive me! :-)
September 16, 2006 in Demos, Parental Recos, Proud Padre Corner, The Brand Stand, Twinnage Tippage | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
OK, OK...I know this is probably a bit odd, but since the father of Dos Bebes also happens to have a real job that encompasses, among many things, blog monitoring, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that the Dos Bebes site might occasionally be used as a "reason to believe" around the power of blogging. This is from a keynote speech the Dad (me...Pete) delivered in Rotterdam yesterday on the growth and power of "consumer generated media"...of which blogs (like www.dosbebes.com) are a big part. Kids...forgive me! :-)
September 16, 2006 in Demos, Parental Recos, Proud Padre Corner, The Brand Stand, Twinnage Tippage | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
September 06, 2006 in Dos Bebes Milestones | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Turns out there's another pair of twins next door: Lance and Lola. With all these "L" letters you'd think there's a conspiracy going on here. Anyway, Lance and Lola the bulldogs gave Liam and Leila a morning greeting they'll never forget the other day. In the end, all are getting along just splendidly. Worth noting here that Lance and Lola hit the bulldog lottery when they were adopted by our neighbors Jay and Jana. Our neighbors have a fine tradition of raising amazing bulldogs, and we all continue to grieve the loss of Reggie and Polly, both of whom live full, long, and robust lives.
August 20, 2006 in Friends, Family & Relatives | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
It's pretty amazing watching these two little ones grow. They are suddenly becoming more conscious of one another, and even started to act like real friends. This morning Erika and I caught them playing with one another (cracking jokes or some baby-like equivalent act) in the two cribs. Pretty amazing. Also relieves a bit of the burden on us to make them smile all the time. Then again, that's hardly a burden.
August 06, 2006 in BabycareTV (Video), Dos Bebes Milestones, Leila's Notebook, Liam's Notebook | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Now this is one of the all time classics.
August 06, 2006 in BabycareTV (Video), Dos Bebes Milestones | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Relationship marketing in the baby industry can be a bummer if you have twins. Doesn't matter whether it's P&G or Kimberly Clark or whoever, no one seems to segment their relationship marketing models to allow parents to check off a box that says "twins." In some cases you can register TWO different children, but at the end of the day you keep getting customized messages like the one below that presumes UNO not DOS bebes. Sorry Leila.. I still love you. -- Padre
August 03, 2006 in The Brand Stand | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Dos bebes and los padres had an amazing morning today at one of the great wonders of the world -- Niagara Falls. We took a quick detour to the falls after spending the night at Uncle Tom and Aunt Mary Hartnett's beautiful home in Buffalo. All of this was part of our two day trip back to Cincinnati from the Adirondacks.
August 01, 2006 in BabycareTV (Video), Dos Bebes Milestones, Friends, Family & Relatives | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Gotta watch this. What a milestone. Dudddddeee!
July 06, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
We just brought the munchkins up to the Adirondacks for a full month of summer fun and play. This is the area where Erika and her family spent many a summer. More on the "Racks" later, but this is a photo of dad with Liam and Leila in the living room of the house we rented that overlooks the beautiful Schroon Lake. Lots of fun, but it takes twice as much work to keep track of the munchkins while they crawl all over the place. Tougher than herding fleas. Plus, the are both aggressively testing their walking skills by leaning against just about everything.
July 02, 2006 in Friends, Family & Relatives, Leila's Notebook, Liam's Notebook, Proud Padre Corner, Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
On Saturday, the day before Fathers Day, we spent a wonderful afternoon and early evening in New York's Central Park. Catch the highlights. Earlier, Liam and Pete watched the World Cup match between Italy and USA. We both had mixed feelings about the outcome as we both have Italian blood. Very exciting game. Liam was so well behaved during the game that Erika and I gave him a "Green Card" to go to Central Park afterward. Which he truly enjoyed.
June 18, 2006 in Dos Bebes Milestones | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Dos Bebes wish Pedro a Happy Father's Day!
As many of you know, Pete was a very excited father-to-be, dreaming everyday about how wonderful it would be to have two bambinos in our lives (two more people for him to talk CGM with:)). During the birth, he was so energized with the video camera that the doctors reprimanded him twice about getting too close to the procedure. And, he instantly turned into a proud mush-ball when they entered the world.
Pete as a father highlights:
* Keeping supremely cool and collected during that first drive home from hospital (we'll never forget that night -- Carney St never looked that good)
* Waking up with me every two hours for almost 2 months to feed those premies
* Helping with all the key duties (even if Liam sometimes wears pink and Leila blue:))
* Taking 100s of videos and photos (this addiction can be bad and good...as many victims know:))
* Thinking the bambinos are "so cute" even at 3:30 am after a major spit up or diaper change
* Realizing how lucky we are - everyday
* Writing "Who's Got The Poo" in one hour
* Falling asleep on the boppy more than Liam:)
* Wishing Fisher Price would make a cradle swing for adults
* Designing Parent Bibs
* Insisting I sleep upstairs in a bed (for those who don't know, we were afraid to take the babies up our spiral staircase, so we all moved to the first floor:))
* Enthusiastically including the babies in everything he does (we aren't convinced they like the computer that much yet, and cheering during soccer games and tennis matches can be scary sometimes, but in general, we think it is great that Pete constantly wants them by his side)
Here's to a great dad!
*Father's Day Shirts Are Designed By Playdatenyc*
June 17, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Dos Bebes made their first road trip to Montclair, NJ to visit my Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Elena. They had a fabulous time listening to Jimmy's explanation of square foot and vertical gardening, watching the cucumbers and basil grow, listening to the birds, and playing with their new favorite toy -- plastic plates (thanks Elena)!
There is no shortage of laughter when hanging with Jimmy and Elena, so it was a wonderful little escape and easy on the heart, head - and stomach (thanks for the great spread!). BTW -- their vegetables will be sold at the Montclair Farm Stand starting in late June. Don't miss the delicious action!
June 14, 2006 in Friends, Family & Relatives | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
June 07, 2006 in Health and Sports | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
On June 4, 2006, Tommy (uncle to dos bebes), Water (uncle), Rachel (aunt), and I teamed up to ride 32 miles to support the Diabetes Foundation.
There was never a dull moment on this adventure around Manhattan, over the George Washington Bridge, and through parts of Northern New Jersey.
The 'Good Sport' award goes to Walter, whose tire busted at mile 4. The 'Persistence' award goes to Tommy, who wouldn't settle for anything less than the 32 mile ride. The 'Second Wind' award goes to Rachel, who kept Erika going with numerous bursts of energy. While we rode most of the way -- up and down the hills -- we did stop for photos on the George Washington Bridge.
How many times a year will we have that chance?!
At our celebration lunch, we decided we would do our best to make this an annual event. Dos Bebes and Elizabeth (dos bebes' cousin) might not be able to ride next year, but they will be great cheerleaders.
Please join Team Hartnett next year!
June 06, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
This week Daddy brought Dos Bebes a few new outfits from a West Coast business trip. The second they put on the matching tennis outfits, they screamed and whined like John McEnroe until we turned on the French Open. Liam was bummed James Blake lost in a tough 5-set match, while Leila paid close attention to Venus William's winning technique.
June 05, 2006 in Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Maybe the question should be, would responsible parents place two eight month olds in a bag:)?
If you have been following dosbebes.com, you know how much we admire Becca Worple's photography - especially when our kids are her subject matter:). She is a natural with kids, as you can see from her warm smile and big hug for Liam. We have been lucky enough to have her capture Leila and Liam at 3 weeks, 3 months, and most recenty, 8 months.
Becca, please remember us when the Hollywood stars start flying you out to Beverly Hills for photo shoots. If you want to see more of her creative work, check out Owenemma.com.
May 26, 2006 in Dos Bebes Milestones, Mom's Corner, Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Dos Bebes have always known Kara as a super smart, fun to be around, go-getting, generous, loving aunt. And as of May 6, 2006, they will also know her as Dr. Brown! Kara follows in the footsteps of my parents, who both earned their doctorates in the 70's.
She earned her degree in education policy and comparative international studies at Indiana University. For her dissertation she conducted major research in Estonia (for you Cincinnatians, that is the homeland of Paavo Jarvi, Cincinnati's Symphony Orchestra conductor). She was a Fulbright Scholar in 2002 and is fluent in Russian and Estonian. If you want to hear a lecture this Fall, just head down to University of South Carolina where you can find Professor Brown at work.
The best surprise of the weekend was provided by Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom, who drove all the way from Bufffalo, NY to surprise Kara for her graduation! They brought so much laughter and generosity into the weekend. An unforgettable act of kindness.
We attended a wonderful celebration given by Bradley, my sister's dissertation chair and advisor, and his wife, Debra! They filled their home with delicious food and many of Kara's favorite professors and friends. It was a grandmother's dream, because all the professors had glowing remarks for Kara.
Doyle, Kara's husband, organized a surprise trip to see a popular Blue Grass band called Del Mccoury. What an Indiana experience! We had a blast - and weren't shy in convincing the band members to pose with Kara after the show!
We are super proud of Kara for achieving her scholarly goal. As family members and friends know, there is only person who wanted it for her as much as she wanted it for herself -- and that is my dad, who would have been bursting with pride and cheering her on with all his energy.
May 19, 2006 in Friends, Family & Relatives, Mom's Corner | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tips For Traveling With Twins On An Airplane
We recently traveled from Cincinnati to LAX with our 7 month old twins (see full photo gallery). We had a great time in California and I recommend going on little adventures with your twins. Below I captured my top tips for traveling with twins.
1. Bring a third person: My mom came with us to California and that helped the trip go smoothly. This is my number one piece of advice for every couple traveling via plane. If possible bring a third adult.
2. Stroller: An easy to fold stroller will be your best friend. We proudly strolled our twins in the Twin Combi through the entire airport, past security, and right up to the gate. After we landed, the airline placed it next to the exit door for easy twin loading. Please note, the Combi folds up so compactly that it fits through the X-Ray machine.
3. Safety: If you don't have separate seats for your bambinos, place babies in Baby Bjorn for take off, landing and turbulence. This helped keep our bambinos secure.
4. Pain free take-off and landing: Have your babies suck on bottles or pacifiers during take-off and landing helped our babies avoid potentially painful pressure in ears.
5. Boarding: Make sure the airline allows you to board first!! You need the time to get situated.
6. Seats: If you aren’t getting upgraded, ask for the bulk head worked out great b/c you have more room to maneuver all the “stuff”.
7. Food: Bring enough food. Remember the hours add up – security, waiting to board, on plane, etc. Our trip from door to door took almost 12 hours.
8. Packing: Start by allowing enough time to pack at home. For the plane: All the regular diaper bag goodies. Note: I only had two toys for each baby and that worked fine for this age. My key learning is that you can never bring enough bibs.
9. Travel Hour: We traveled at night going (7 pm take-off) and during the day (12:30pm take-off). I actually recommend day travel b/c WE weren’t as tired. It is a long trip and I found that the day travel was easier on us – and actually, the plane was less crowded.
10. Car Rental: We rented a car and car seats from Avis. Here is what I learned after a two-hour experience at Avis. Face the fact – a van or SUV will be best for you and your twins. If you are going to rent car seats, make sure they have an employee install before you arrive, or at least, immediately upon your arrival.
11. Have fun and capture the moment: How many times will you be on a plane with your twins in a given year? Bring a camera or video recorder to capture the fun trip
April 24, 2006 in Mom's Corner | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Here's a link to a host of photos from a most amazing trip to California with Dos Bebes. They were just amazing, and Erika and I (and Erika's mother, Beverly) had a wonderful time visiting all the relatives on the west coast. Enjoy!
April 23, 2006 in Dos Bebes Milestones, Friends, Family & Relatives | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Exciting news. Dos Bebes are taking their first road trip to California to visit Father Pedro's family...which includes Mom, Dad, and six siblings...and the many, many cousins of Liam and Leila. I couldn't resist the Route 66 road trip imagery, but it's actually a flight...which will be quite an adventure in and of itself. We leave Thursday, stay through Easter weekend, and return the following week. I can't wait. Pasadena is rolling out the welcome carpet as we speak.
April 11, 2006 in Dos Bebes Milestones, Friends, Family & Relatives | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
First a word of thanks to everyone who expressed their love and support regarding the death of Erika's father and Dos Bebes grandfather Walter T Brown. We are saddened beyond words over his passing.
Dos Bebes continue to grow and evolve and take on new, unique, and even peculiar qualities. Smiles are now the rule, not the exception; the hands grab with serious grippage; their little frames now have the strength to both sit up and turn over. They are, in short, a barrel of fun. Liam has been fighting a bit of a cough for the past two weeks, which has had us a bit worried. Leila has a peculiar - nay, unmistakable - sound she uses. We're not sure if she's making a request or just humming. Both clearly seem to be aware of one another and often reach out and hold hands, which is adorable. Oh, and every once and a while Liam has a scratch on his face that begs the obvious question: did he say the wrong thing to his sister?
April 11, 2006 in Learning to Parent, Muchas Gracias | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Today in Hillsdale, New Jersey, friends, family, and many others celebrate the remarkable life of Walter T Brown, Erika's father, and Liam and Leila's grandfather. Liam's (William Walter Blackshaw-Brown) middle name is in Walter's honor. There is much sadness here at the home in which Erika grew up with Walter, mother beverly, and sister Kara. But there is also happiness and thanks that Walter lived a great life, rich with love...and adventure....and so much more. In the last three years, he saw the birth of four grandchildren, including Dos Bebes. We will miss him dearly, and his character and values and compassion -- his love for the Adirondacks and his passion for understanding less understood people and cultures -- will always remain part of us.
March 25, 2006 in Friends, Family & Relatives | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
March 11, 2006 in BabycareTV (Video), Dos Bebes Milestones, Liam's Notebook | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
March 11, 2006 in Say Cheese! (Photos) | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
As though this site isn't enough, I couldn't resist having fun with the new blog tools released by Apple. Gotta hand it to them...they just keep making everything "add water and stir," including the use of video and podcating. Sample a few glorious snippets.
March 08, 2006 in BabycareTV (Video) | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
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