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March 15, 2009


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Excellent post!! Twitter is like a breath of fresh air on the Social Media scene. I have been on it for just a few weeks now and I have met several interesting people. It is a platform to network with people you would like to meet in real life. Check me out!!

Great post and I agree that reinvention is certainly needed within the market research industry.

Before any companies enter the social media environment active listening to the blogosphere is vital.

In our business we not only monitor the blogosphere for themes but then take the ideas to consumers within that demographic (within a market research online community) for further exploration.

Listening and then moving the conversation forward forms the basis to innovation whether is is NPD, message testing, package testing etc.

Marketing has changed and now market research which underpins it also needs new ways of reaching and listening to consumers.


Pete -

This is a very thoughtful article. I plan to RT it later today. I especially like your notions regarding innovation and the fact that that puts one on the blurry edge. Certainly CGM is 24x7 and a continual feedback loop.

Best, Scott - Veeple CEO

I love this question. Me for myself of course I'll go with marketing. There are just some many way to make a business a success with social media marketing. Now depending on the knowledge and ambition of the user this could go either way. At our company we use social media to improve interaction and moral int the office.

Jonathan Mac

Reinvention through Social Media is where marketing has been heading and will continue to head. Conversation has indeed been reinvented and will continue to be as social media continues to evolve. I think this was a great post.

"Conversation is in the code."

~Ditley Web Design Company

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


Great post. I think I am going to look in to buying your book. -Blueprint (chicago web design)

Thanks for the Post. I' have been pondering the importance of social media a long time and you raised some good points. Thanks again.

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