My father is 83 years old, and he spent the better part of his career, starting in the late 50s, in the advertising business. In some respects, he was one of the original "Mad Men," and he actually worked for the same firm, BBDO, rumored to be the setting for the AMC series. Like me, he's been watching the series with both a curious and critical eye. In the good spirit of home-made CGM, I turned on the video recorder while visiting him a couple weeks ago and asked him to share some thoughts. In this first installment, he reflects on elitism in the advertising industry, drinking culture, how concepts and ideas really came to fruition, and the nature of agency-client interaction -- all themes right smack in the center center of AMC's Mad Men.
Pete, this is awesome. Thanks so much to both you and your dad.
Posted by: Noah | September 11, 2007 at 07:36 AM
Terrific story...such a great interview with your pops.
Posted by: Chrispitality | September 12, 2007 at 12:01 PM
How cool to 1) be able to interview your dad, and 2) for him to have such great background in the biz. Thanks to both of you for a great story.
Posted by: Weave | September 12, 2007 at 10:41 PM
Really a great video. Thanks for posting it. Frequent visitor, love your writing - here, here. We're in the user-generated space, your writings are insightful, helpful. Your dad is great!
Posted by: | October 09, 2007 at 02:23 PM