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March 06, 2007


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Nice try Pete, but I think you're trying too hard -- especially with the title "The Official CGM Glossary".

There is media generated by consumers (CGM) and there is media generated by entities other than consumers.

That media may be text, it may be audio, it may be photos, it may be video, it may be 3D worlds etc.. The medium doesn't take it out of being CGM even though some mediums are used more frequently for certain kinds of discourse. For example, video has a stronger base of pure entertainment (e.g. stupid videos) than other mediums -- but that doesn't make the medium worth categorizing differently or we risk pigeon-holing something and losing unseen, future value.

There are also a multitude of reasons consumers create media, but they all typically have some form of compensation involved. Compensation can take the form of traffic, notoriety, status, contests, cash, freebies, linkbait, free passes, panel selections, advisory board roles, customers, partners or a multitude of other reasons people take the time/effort to create CGM. It's no different now that consumers are the creators: show me a content creator (consumer or otherwise) who receives no direct or indirect rewards from their efforts, and I'll show you a content pipe that will dry up when the novelty wears off.

Every time I see these naming exercises; whether it involves CGM/UGC or bloggers/journalists, I think people are missing the point that there are millions of reasons people communicate, there are millions of ways they do it and there are millions of things they are trying to say. The people who try to put it in a box usually waste a lot of airtime, hope for linkbait, and get it wrong anyway.

Feel free to market this comment as the New and Improved Official CGM Glossary V2.0 ;-)

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