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March 11, 2007


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I really couldn't agree more. Buz has really set the example for follow on generations and to his credit...this guy's mind is more creative today than when he started the job.

He is a consummate professional, knowing the ins-and-outs of the business and its politics. Oftentimes turning them all upside down with an idea no one would believe would work until it does.

Thank goodness winning the "Oscar of the PR World" won't spoil his innovation, but instead accelerate it. Buz has helped me forward many ideas in Cincinnati against the prevailing wisdom. I've really enjoyed working with him on the Downtown HopAround events and the recent "All Roads Lead to Cincinnati" project.

Luckily as a young business owner starting Metaphor Studio and the Over-the-Rhine non-profit, Buz was able to see in me a kindred spirit who loves our City and wanted to make an impact. I'm not sure of the level of my own impact, but I'm absolutely certain of his.

Thank you Buz, for being an inspirational leader carrying the flag of Cincinnati out to the world.

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