I love this example by Sheraton of soliciting consumer feedback around the hotel experience, photo upload included. After all, in an age of digital cameras and mobile cameras phones, how can the lame "tell us what you think" card at hotels possibly convey the full experience of a great (or horrible) hotel experience. This is a classic example of exploiting what I call the "Ex-Spot"...or "Moment of Experience." Recall my earlier blurb about taking photos at Peet's Coffee. This is also why I think consumer affairs is becoming (or needs to become) more central to the overall marketing mix. This is a key message I intend to deliver to the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals (SOCAP) at their San Antonio conference this spring. And while I'm writing about hotels, you might want to take a peek at Starwood Hotel's "TheLobby.com," a compilation of travel stories sponsored by Starwood and ElectricArtists. Good example of the hotel industry nurturing conversation related to customer needs and interests.