In my latest ClickZ marketing column, I take a rare break from trying to come up with something "new and fresh." Instead I look through the rear view mirror of my sixty or so columns and aggregate what I think are my the ten most important reads. At times, we just need to keep internalizing the same message and lessons. Hence..."Ten Columns Every CMO Should Read," and they are as follows:
- "The Pocket Guide to Consumer-Generated Media"
- "Irrational Blogguberance"
- "Attention? I Don't Want Your Freakin' Attention!"
- "Practice What You Search"
- "TV is Dead, Long Live TV"
- "The Pocket Guide to Chatterbacking"
- "The Third Moment of Truth"
- "Real-Beauty, Real Breakthrough in Consumer-Fortified Media"
- "Movimiento Marketing: On the Radio Dial"
- "Time for a New Marketing Model: Listening-Centered Marketing"
As I note in my opening, I have sought to keep my commentary focused on a few key themes I believe are mission-critical for today's CMOs. Themes like marketing in an era of consumer control and consumer-generated media; managing media fragmentation and new marketing models; and, most important, leveraging and exploiting the untapped power of listening. I've tried to be self-critical, wary of hype, and mindful of the danger of bagging the truth against a backdrop of dynamic change. If there's one area in which I've been unapologetically righteous, it's been in my message that if we further erode trust or credibility in consumers' eyes, we're toast -- end of story.