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December 31, 2006


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The soft buzz re Product (Red) is a bit surprising, given the well-executed launch by Bono and Bobby Shriver and its high profile endorsement by celebs like Oprah.

Quite a few of my friends received iPod Nanos for Christmas-in different colors, but none were official Red. Too costly @ $200-250? Apple looking somewhat weakly committed with only $10 going to Africa?

Being in a tee shirt mode late in the year, I wanted to add a Gap Inspi(red) number to my collection. And though I have yet to see one person wearing one, try getting one from Gap. Gone, sold-out.

Well, not quite. Leave it to enterprising consumers to snap up those red tee shirts by the armful, presumably funding the cost of 41 anti-AIDS doses to prevent transmission of the virus from mother to child for EACH shirt purchased--this according to the official (Red) Calculator (Apple take note).

And leave it to those same consumers to make a buck themselves by harnessing the power of at least one consumer-generated online auction site to hawk their Red. I want a Gap Red tee shirt-but I don't want to pay $50 for it and not have my $$ go directly to the African AIDS fight.

Which leaves me wondering . . . What is eBay doing for Product (Red)?

On World AIDS Day, Product (Red) scored (for at least part of the day), a branded link on the Google home page -- hot real estate if only because it's so rarely given away. What was so appalling was that they squandered this amazing opportunity by linking to their press page. They gave people who came via the link no encouragement to do anything to spread the word. Infuriating, but a sign that they could use some guidance in how to leverage CGM to get more out of their campaign.

I'm including a link to a blog post that I wrote about this, if you don't mind.

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