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« CGM Meets Primetime! | Main | Real Beauty, Real Breakthough in Consumer-Fortified Media (CFM) »

October 29, 2006


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Well, c'est la vie! I guess, there are just some things you can't give freely to your customers for the sake of the company. :)

Great answer, Pete. And the right decision. The new world is about transparency in dealing with consumers. But internal discussion, knowledge, alternative plans evaluated, etc. should not be open to public scrutiny.

Embargoed Blogs? Yes, the notion of banning blogging at what amounts to a blogging summit is a bit oxymoronic. But as a corporate client who gained much from attending & participating, I found myself being more purposely intentional about sharing specific CGM strategy with other clients—some of whom were direct competitors!

And that’s kind of the rub—Many of us are in corporate-type jobs that are responsible for embracing the CGM space in a manner that benefits our companies, customers and consumers—but we’re also bound by the political and competitive nature of companies, regardless of industry. If the session were “open” to blogging (which in a perfect world, it should be), I suspect that some of us might not have received the tacit endorsement we were given by our senior corporate leaders to participate as freely as we did.

My view is that giving up a terrific opportunity to blog on a blogging event—with some of the best, most CGM-knowledgeable bloggers extolling their expertise no less—will be looked at in a matter of a few months, not years, as a small sacrifice to advance a more cognitive and passionate participation by top-tier companies in this wonderful space we call the blogosphere. And the payoff is likely to be sweeter still as organizations adopt more critically-tuned listening habits and an action-oriented approach to the multi-media spectrum of consumer driven online conversation. And that surely will be good for all of us.

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