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« Should Corporations or Brands Blog? Why and How? | Main | Curious about CGM & Engagement? Join the Discussion (and Webinar) »

August 13, 2006


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You are right on. Consumer generated advertising or user generated advertising (UGA) (I hear them both all the time) are growing extremely fast as well. Soon enough, agencies will be allocating a percentage of their budget to UGA and Chatterbacking, just as they did with online advertising. UGA is very similar to WOM, because it is empowering the consumer to take action and be a champion (or not) of their brand. Now that video is extremly popular, it is very easy to shoot your very own commercial.

The thing that brands seem to be slowly getting is that chatter (in your terms) already exists. Very few companies need to start WOM. In fact, it already exists.

So, what you're talking here is a very pragmatic approach. The first (necessary) step is that you need pay attention to is what's already happening. Then you can begin to think about how you can affect the discussion.

Maybe that "affecting" step can be Chatterhacking ;-)

This is an interesting development indeed! When was it that people were buzzing, and then buzzed about WOM and CGM growing? Well, I am for everything and anything that brings more value to the choices and rights of the consumers.

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