Heather Green and Rob Hof of BusinessWeek just published a series of provocative articles on media fragmentation and consumer "attention" (July 24 Edition). They surveyed a wide spectrum of firms, but dedicated special attention to BBC ("...not only is it making radio and TV shows available on demand, it's surrounding that content with more personalization, social networks, and public ratings, sharing, and reporting") Efficient Frontier ("Efficient Frontier claims that, on average, its method improves measures such as the rate at which people click on ads by 30%.") and Nike ("...by monitoring conversations on social networking sites and blogs, where people already are shaping Nike's brand, the sneaker giant knew this was an opportunity to try something different.") I'm quoted in the context of Nike's recent effort to invite consumer participation into it's video-rich "Joga Bonita" advertising campaign, which, as I've noted in previous blog posts and articles, is a very important exercise for most brands to "test and measure." (Disclosure: Nike's a client, but I was not involved in this campaign.)
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