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July 25, 2006


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Having followed the CGM and WOM trends, I am in agreement with your statements on what is true CGM and WOM. The original intent of the internet was that it would be a consumer controlled medium, but we all see where this has morphed into a marketing and advertiser supported and somewhat controlled medium. WOM and CGM, now that they are on the radar of advertisers and marketers, will go through a similar metamorphosis. CGM and WOM are dependent upon brands and marketers for the information and content used to create CGM and WOM which inherently creates a co-dependence. With respectful sharing of content and information, marketers set boundaries where positive, or at least accurate, CGM or WOM can flourish. The internet is a democracy where consumers and marketers create a balance of power as well as offer checks and balances when one or the other over steps their bounds. I believe an open discussion on this topic would identify many more supporters of your position compared to the initial outrage from the CGM and WOM purists. I for one would like to advance this discussion with you to see where the future of CGM and WOM might be heading.

Michael Taylor - Partner Level|2, Tampa, FL

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