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September 01, 2005


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I read your post, checked out the links, and was inspired to create this, my very own piece of CGM:
It took about 10 minutes, and I hope it offers A&F customers a true opportunity to go "Back to School" and learn how to decode images.

Of course, it's this kind of stuff that keeps the walls up. The problem with advertising imagery (and corporate messaging in general) is that it always shows the perfect, driven as it is to create an aspirational glow around the product. Now, I don't have a problem with aspirations, but I do think we should be aspiring to things other than perfection, especially when that perfection is so often on the surface only. My hope for marketing is that brands can help us do real people, real places. Show how you develop products. Show your mistakes. Go further: Be honest about where and how your stuff is made. Sweatshops? Product made of Red dye #2 and DDT? Where's the perfection now? It is for this reason that I'm excited about the new transparent world of marketing, and it's to expose this disconnect that alot of CGM appears. All of this is a tall order. For now, I'd be happy if the imagery dealt with the lived experience of consumers. We've gotta start somewhere, it might as well be in our backyards:

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