Apple's iPod benefited from CGM during its critical
early and mass adoption phases, but what's even more interesting is that it has
become a form of CGM as it's become a mainstream phenomenon. Indeed, it is very
difficult to surf the web in just about any context without stumbling into love
testimonials to the brand. Then again, there's
so much more going on than just product raves. The white
headphones have become a family crest for people who "get it,” and, by
exporting playlists, the iPods have become a new form of CGM itself. It's
not just that owning an iPod makes you cool; it's that your ability to create,
and to express your creative personality through
playlists, is an entirely new way to establish an identity with friends and
strangers alike. Apple appears to understand this, and they deliberately
fuel CGM through the iTunes store,
which makes it even easier to discover music and express a with-it
identity. Podcasting takes this to the next level.