The topic of "blogs and employees" is receiving considerable attention right now. Yesterday, USA Today featured an excellent (and quite in-depth) story on this topic, and last night I was interviewed live by anchor Erica Hill of CNN Headline News. As we've discussed in so many of our Intelliseek webinars, especially last week's on this topic on employees and blogs, companies need to think proactively about employee blogging politicies. This is already beginning to happen with many companies such as IBM, Yahoo, and GM. The key is to strike the right balance between employee empowerment and loyalty and the need to keep proprietary, confidential, or compromising information from spreading via blogs authored by company employees. The reality is that just about every blog author out there makes some reference, often peripheral or tandential, about his or her work experiences. Most is innocuous and benign, posing no risk to the company. In fact, as I explained to CNN, if you pay close attention to BlogPulse trend charts, you'll find that more people talk about positive work experiences than negative work experiences on blogs. Net, many companies (like Microsoft) are benefiting from employee evangelism and advocacy as expressed on blogs.
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