The front page of this morning's Wall Street Journal Marketplace edition features an article entitled "Marketers Scan Blogs for Brand Insights." Intelliseek is featured in the story, but more importantly, the article underscores the very real potential for brands to harvest meaningful brand insights from unaided consumer conversations. Some excerpts:
- "... a growing number of marketers are using new technology to analyze blogs and other "consumer-generated media" -- a category that includes chat groups, message boards and electronic forums -- to hear what is being said online about new products, old ad campaigns and aging brands. Purveyors of the new methodology and their clients say blog-watching can be cheaper, faster and less biased than such staples of consumer research as focus groups and surveys.
- "Marketers say bloggers' unsolicited opinions and offhand comments are a source of invaluable insights that are hard to get elsewhere. "We look at the blogosphere as a focus group with 15 million people going on 24/7 that you can tap into without going behind a one-way mirror," says Rick Murray, executive vice president of Edelman, a Chicago public-relations firm.
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